Strat-ology's Training &
Development Workshops
Some examples of our work...
Explore fundamental and advanced topics in strategy execution including: decision making, influencing stakeholders, and what it means to ‘get things done’ individually and within teams for different managers at different levels in the organization.
Participants debate, discuss and explore 4 key questions:
(1) What does it mean to think and act strategically from your position in the organization?
(2) How do you identify when your organization is most likely to outperform its competitors?
(3) How can you leverage your understanding of your organization's resources, value proposition and competitive advantage to help it create strong strategic positions in the market?
(4) How can you drive performance by preempting risks associated with changes both inside and outside your organization?
Participants expand their understanding of leadership and their ability to operationalize valuable and aspirational leadership styles. Participants delve into what it takes to develop a personalized brand of leadership and explore best practices in leading strategy, managing projects and managing teams.
Participants explore diversity along a continuum of diversity mindedness. The workshop is engaging, participatory, humorous, and able to bring to light serious issues around race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc. in a way that is non-threatening. Participants have the opportunity to explore their own perceptions and uncover their own heuristics and biases related to diversity. The workshop’s structure and delivery allow for safe discussions with the intention of providing participants with a positive, effective, and actionable way of thinking about and managing diversity.
Participants explore fundamental as well as advanced topics related to mergers and acquisitions including: (1) When an industry is ripe for acquisitions? (2) The process for selecting appropriate takeover targets. (3) Best practices in measuring value when comparing different acquisitions. (4) The challenges associated with each phase of the acquisition process from developing acquisition plans through post-closing integration.
Workshop participants will learn why developing a marketing orientation can improve their overall effectiveness as leaders. They will explore themes such as: (1) Leveraging information and research to understand and effectively target, segment, and position your products and services to customers; (2) How to choose effective pricing and distribution strategies from among today’s increasingly complex alternatives; (3) Gaining positive market responses using integrated marketing and communication strategies; (4) Leveraging your communication and public relations functions to create value; and (5) Developing a deep understanding about how brand is built, sustained and leveraged to create value.
Participants will learn how to empower leaders at all levels in the organization to “think and execute innovation”. The workshop explores themes such as: (1) broadening your cultural openness to risk, (3) enabling and supporting “Big Innovation Initiatives”, (3) building personal, team, organizational innovative capabilities, (4) fostering partnerships that inspire innovation, and (5) identifying and leveraging your organization’s innovation value chain.
Participants will learn about the three fundamental areas of financial analysis and management: (1) managing cash, (2) evaluating financial statements, and (3) valuation of projects, assets and acquisition targets. Concepts covered in the workshop can include: (1) identifying cash needs of a business and the underlying drivers and risks; (2) assessing the impact of strategic decisions in marketing or operations on the firm's financial wellbeing; (3) developing the analytical skills to analyze a company’s financial statements and to evaluate problems and opportunities from a strategic perspective; (4) learning how value is created and diminished; and (5) learning how to communicate with financial markets and using financial market signals to make better business decisions.